Let us help you, get It Done...
Get the Extra Support you Need
If you are looking for a company that is going to hold your hand through the incorporation process, and who will proactively follow up with you to guide you through the tasks & items that you didn't even know you had to do - you have found us. ​
Our Goal is to ensure you are Compliant!!!
For one year after filing your LLC or Corporation with Controllers, we will proactively help you make sure the health of your entity is in good standing.
Our Entity formation services include:
State Name Search
Preparation and Filing of Articles
Creation of Operating Agreement/By-Laws
Record Book, Seal and Ownership Certificates
Federal Tax ID
Assistance with filing appropriate tax election with the IRS (2553 or 8832 Form)
Organizational Minutes & Resolutions Completed
Live One-on-One Walk through of Corporate Record Book
2 Months Question Support
Quarterly Health Checkups
If Nevada or Wyoming - Registered Agent Services (Agent for Service of Process)